Book Review: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by Nike’s Big #1 Guy

Shoe Dog

Intro to the Shoe Dog “Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike” is a book that loosely tells the story of Phil Knight (who we assume is the Shoe Dog), the man behind one of the most recognized brands in the world, Nike. However, while the book has some redeeming qualities, such as […]

That Flush You Hear is the Lost Art of Customer Service

Customer Service

Get your customer service mojo back! I’m guessing many of you have experienced what I have experienced over the last few years, the rapid decline in the level of customer service from almost everywhere. Even the firms that used to be known as customer service unicorns are now acting like spoiled brats on spring break. […]

Maximizing Organizational Efficacy: Best Practice Strategies of Training, Monitoring, and Metrics

Organizational Efficacy

Importance of Training: Organizational Efficacy Defined Organizational efficacy is the ability of an organization to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively. In today’s highly competitive business landscape, achieving organizational efficacy has become increasingly crucial for businesses to succeed. Organizations must adapt to changes in the environment, continuously improve their processes, realize the importance of training, […]

What’s a Coach? What’s a Mentor? (E117)

- Dr. Aaron R. Stewart, MBA, PhD

So why are so many wondering about coaches and mentors and bears, oh my! Let’s have a chat from The Little Black Couch #Entrepreneur #Business #Entrepreneurship #WontStop #Mindset #Success #Hustle #Freedom #BusinessOwner #OnlineBusiness #Ambition #Inspire #ThinkBig #Startup #BeYourOwnBoss #SmallBusiness #Believe #Motivate #mentoring #Givingback #InternetBusiness #Success #Serve #Hope #Hope #Integrity #Honesty #Encouragement #ThinkBigger #thelittleblackcouch #jozupost — […]